"Our Church Has Outgrown Helping the Poor, We Now Help the Government"- Apostle Johnson Suleman

The General Overseer of Omega Fire Ministry (OFM), Apostle Johnson Suleman has stated his church has gone beyond helping the poor. They also help the government. The revered cleric gave instances where his church built basic amenities for some communities in Edo state. Meanwhile, his state governor is appreciative of his efforts.

Apostle Suleman added that as a journalist, he learnt that the media only places focus on what they want the people to see. He said that they would not capture moments he is helping the needy but they are quick to criticize him on other matters.

"After service, there is a crowd that is waiting for me now, they want to collect rent but media don't pick that. If the governor of my state appreciate me for helping his government, not even the poor. Because our church has outgrown beyond helping the poor, we are now helping government. 

"We buy transformers, construct roads, built schools and hostels for the communities and gives them to the government. That's beyond helping the poor, that's helping (the) government. So, if a governor can say, I am helping him in this state, who are you on the internet? Shut up," he said.

Besides, he said some people already have a preconceived notion about him. Hence, he doesn't bother himself to respond to those who criticize him.

"People don't believe what you explain, they believe what they want to believe. So, you don't owe anybody any explanation, just leave them to wallow, but when God shows up, people keep quite.

"I'm the most criticized pastor in Nigeria and I'm the busiest. I go abroad every week and those criticizing me don't travel. Also, you get to a point in life when you don't reply individuals, you reply president and government," he said.

In addition, he stated that he doesn't live on the offering and tithe of the church. In fact, he discourages it.

"I'm one of the few pastors who judge and condemn any pastor who live on the tithe and offerings of Church members. It is a sin and God will punish any pastor who do such, they can't escape the punishment of God," Apostle Suleman added.

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