The BBC's longest-running television series, "Songs of Praise" is celebrating 60 years on air. Amongst its viewers is the Britain’s Queen Elizabeth. She sent a message congratulating the production team of the broadcast show. She said the program reflects "Christianity as a living faith."
"For 60 years Songs Of Praise has drawn together congregations and BBC viewers throughout the United Kingdom in collective worship. During that time, the program has shown Christianity as a living faith, not only through hymns and worship songs, but also by featuring the many people who have put their faith at the center of their lives," Queen Elizabeth said.
In 2020, Royal historian, Robert Lacey told People magazine that the Queen's Christian faith has been essential during her reign. He said, "She sees it in the bigger context of her religious faith and of a God who holds her family in his hands. It is the solid and simple faith that sustains the Queen."
So far, about 3,000 episodes have been produced. The show, which is aired every Sunday, has attracted viewers across the United Kingdom. In 1961, Donald Baverstock created the show which has reached more than a million viewers weekly.
Since its 60 years on air, the show has had 270 presenters on the program including Charlotte Church, Sir Cliff Richard, and Sir Harry Secombe. The show is made in a dynamic way to suit the change in times. More than 65,000 singers performed live at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium to commemorate the new millennium.
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