School district settles student sent home for wearing 'homosexuality is a sin' shirt

The daughter of a street preacher, Brielle Penkoski, who was sent home for wearing a shirt to Livingston Academy public high school, United States, with the inscription, “homosexuality is a sin,” has gotten a refund of her school fees.

In 2020, after the student was sent home, the family filed a litigation against the school. The case has now been settled and she got a cash payment of $100 as part of the settlement.

In the settlement agreement which was made available to The Christian Post (CP), the Overton County Board of Education in Tennessee agreed to it.

In addition, the plaintiff’s attorney fees and costs will also be paid by the school’s board.

The case which was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, had Rich Penkoski as its initial plaintiff. 

The street preacher, who leads the online ministry Warriors for Christ, was dropped from the case after his daughter turned 18.

The payment his daughter got as part of settlement comes with a development that says, "without acknowledgement of wrongdoing on the part of any party or the agents or employees of any party, which wrongdoing is expressly denied."

Speaking on the case, Rich Penkoski said he felt vindicated, adding that it is common for the party that chooses to settle not to agree to any wrongdoing on paper.

He told CP, "A lot of people don't understand this, but when it comes to civil rights lawsuits, there's this perception that somehow we get paid lots of money for these things. Well, it's not true. Most of the time, it's a dollar.

"But Brielle got $100, which is way more than we thought she was going to get anyway out of this. The other part of this is all the teachers, at least from 2020, were told to start taking First Amendment courses, it was one of the things that I insisted on, that I wanted them to take First Amendment training courses."

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