How Donald Trump sought God's opinion about presidential ambition

Former president of the United States, Donald Trump, is currently seeking another term to rule his nation. While he ran for the position the first time, he said he needed to know what God thought about his aspiration.

The politician met with a televangelist and the Senior Pastor of City of Destiny Church in Florida, Paula White-Cain, who is his spiritual advisor.

While addressing Christian conservative activists assembled at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference at the Washington Hilton, on Friday, June 21, she noted that she has maintained a close relationship with Trump for the past 24 years.

She recalled how the business mogul and politician showed interest in the presidential race 13 years ago and felt she could inquire of the Lord what He thought about it.

The preacher also shared  how she felt about him running the race.

She noted that she simply told him: “Sir, you're going to be president one day.” However, she admitted that it won’t be a smooth ride.

In her words: "I hate the price that you're going to pay." She added that her predictions came to pass as Trump paid the price including his family and associates.”

Paula White-Cain anchored the Evangelical advisory board while he was president in 2016. During the conference, which was covered by Christian Post, she revealed that before Trump thought about becoming a politician, she had already built a relationship with him.

In her words: “Trump began to repeat to me almost verbatim the three sermons - Value of Vision. At the end of it, he said I have the ‘it’ factor. And I said, 'Oh sir, we call that the anointing.

"At that point, I felt that the Lord said, 'show him who I am. So for 24 years, I've been in his life and have had the great privilege of really being his pastor."

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