Billy Graham Library endorses Ben Carson’s book

American renowned medical doctor and author, Dr. Ben Carson, has released another book titled The Perilous Fight, which focuses on the country’s challenges and it is on the verge of a breakdown.

The book was published in May 2024 and is currently being promoted at different places and people. It recently got support from the Billy Graham Library where Carson is expected to meet guests and sign copies of his book in Charlotte, North Carolina, on July 25, from 1–3 p.m. 

Also, the book gives a practical and inspiring method to restore Biblical values and battle for God-honouring families, which is the foundation of America.

Speaking about his book, the neurosurgeon and former U.S. Cabinet member said: “This attack against America is being waged on two primary fronts—faith and family,” the neurosurgeon

In The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture’s War on the American Family, Carson uses historical data to state that strong families build a strong nation.

He also blamed the dwindling Christian values in the home on the decreased global influence and ideologically driven political hatred levels not seen since the Civil War.

However, he noted that there is still hope. This book is timely and it comes during the period the country is seeking to elect its 47th president in office.

The book was also endorsed by American preacher and the son of the late Billy Graham, Franklin Graham. He wrote: “I’ve known Dr. Ben Carson for over 20 years and have great respect for him. His latest book, The Perilous Fight, is an important and timely message for our nation. I encourage you to check it out! He’ll be at the Billy
Graham Library for a book signing
on July 25.”

Reacting to his post, Carson said, “I’m looking forward to being at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte on
July 25th. Rev. Graham knows that fighting to save the traditional family is more important than ever!”

Some fans of the neurosurgeon also shared their thoughts on the book and his person.

Betty Whitmire reacted: “I’ve read it and it is a must-read for all Americans. Thank God for Christian writers.”

Rita Burley Harper commented: “Dr. Ben is one of our favorite people & one of America’s best patriots - may God raise more people like him with such care and skill for others & our country.”

Jane Uplinger Lickey said: “What a beautiful young man he is and I know that he's got good common sense. God bless him and his family.”

Some of Carson's bestselling books are Gifted Hands, Think Big, The Big Picture, and The Big Picture.

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