David Oyedepo Jnr., wife celebrate 16th wedding anniversary

Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr., the first child of the president of Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, marked his 16th wedding anniversary with his wife, Dr. Kemi Oyedepo on Friday, July 26.

The preacher described Kemi as the wife of his youth whom he has known for the past 20 years. According to him, every moment he spends with his wife is a lovely memory for him and he is grateful to God for all that they shared.

In David’s words: “Happy anniversary to the wife of my youth! I can't believe it's sixteen years already, and twenty years of being with you. I’m forever grateful to God for meeting you! Every moment with you is a beautiful memory in the making. From the time I made my intention known to you till right now, I'm grateful for every second we've shared. I look forward excitedly to all that God has in store for us. I love you more than words can express.”

On her part, Kemi said she has spent half of her life knowing her husband and she trusts God that His love will not fail in their lives.

She said: “16 years later. These past 20 years (half of my life) of this beautiful relationship have been the best years of my life! Thank You Abba Father; we acknowledge YOU as the keeper! You get the glory! May Your love, that love that can never fail, keep holding us together!

“Man of honour, PDO I salute you. Thank you for everything. Let it be known to you, Sir, that you have a super grateful, fulfilled, and happy wife! You have my highest regard and deepest respect! Onward and upward we go.”

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