Margaret Idahosa celebrates 81 years of God’s grace

The Archbishop of Church of God Mission International, Margaret Idahosa, celebrated her 81st birthday on Monday, July 29. It was a moment for her to thank God for His grace and how far He has brought her.

Her children were also ecstatic about her special day and they went down memory lane to share how she and their late father, Archbishop Benson Idahosa, were hardworking and served God before the latter passed away on March 12, I998.

The celebrant posted lovely pictures of herself on social media with the caption, “81 years of grace, mercy, and God's unlimited favour. Thank You Jesus for absolutely everything.”

In his birthday wish, her son Bishop Feb Idahosa wrote, “You almost need to see a birth certificate to believe this is 81. But this is the beauty of God's grace, personified. Happy birthday, mom. May your days be graced with power, health, and strength, knowing that your legacy will forever implore us to follow the path that you have courageously paved.”

Her daughter, Rantiade Benson-Idahosa said: “Join me in wishing the woman who brought me into this world, the beloved @margaretidahosa, happy 81st evolution and birthday! I love you, Mama. Thank you.”

Margaret also did a countdown to her birthday in a series of posts. The octogenarian posted glamorous pictures of herself saying, “My joy is full. The revelation i have of Christ daily fills me with the realities in Christ Jesus, and through Christ's reality, I experience God's fullness. Countdown to 81 years of God's grace.”

On Tuesday, July 30, Rantiade posted an old video of her father and mother with the caption: “Yesterday, my mother @margaretidahosa, turned 81. Over the years, she has told me a lot of stories about her life. As the family historian, I try to capture them in one form or another. What I share with you today is a snippet of her love story with her only love, my father, #bensonidahosa.

“She met and immediately friend/brother zoned him when she was 15. Somehow, they eventually married when she was 25. The rest, as they say, is history. Which part of the story did you not know?”

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