Buchi shares how he flew an aircraft

Veteran gospel singer, Buchi Atuonwu, was filled with excitement as he flew an aircraft. Though he was not the actual pilot, he shared the role he played in ensuring the airplane landed safely in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, from Lagos.

He shared his experience via a lengthy post on his social media page on August 21: “I flew an aircraft today! At the invitation of the Department Of Music, Ignatius Ajuru University, Port Harcourt, I arrived in the Garden City to receive an Icon Of Sacred Music Award for...

“The pilot announced before take-off that the flight would be bumpy. August break is over and the rains are back, he explained. If you know those pilots, you would know that he was nicely telling the passengers to brace up for a turbulent flight... and then, as usual, they'd end the announcement by telling you it's nothing to worry about... an assurance that comforts no one, really.”

“I don't like turbulence. Period. No bumpy ride for me today, I decided. I felt a nudge from within to change the pilot's report. The pilot's report was a fact, or, if you like, his report was scientifically true. I knew a superior truth, however. I could determine and have whatever I wanted.

“Reclining a little on my seat and with a smile on my face, I said: ‘I call this flight smooothe and safe! No turbulence."

Between the pilot and me, let's see who would control this flight. Let the game begin. Takeoff was seamless.

“As we made our way out of Lagos, ascending towards cruising altitude, it was obvious that the pilots’ report of a very cloudy weather was a fact. The strikingly strange thing, however, was that the aircraft did not even nearly shake as we pierced through the clouds. Indeed, even when the pilot turned on the seatbelt sign in anticipation of turbulence, I smiled and declared my report; ‘smooothe!’

“The plane cut through the clouds like hot knife through butter. No shaking! Smiling, I whispered to the Holy Spirit that I must publish this report. We were clearly in charge of the flight.

In a sense, I felt some pity for the pilot, wondering how he must have felt about his ‘wrong’ calls. Even the usual shaking during descent did not occur. Smooothe!

“As we touched down on the wet Port Harcourt tarmac, the Holy Spirit, my partner, and the senior pilot said the most profound things to me. As it is in flight control, so is it in the economy, in health, and in every aspect of life.

“Do not line up with the doctor's report if it's not favorable. Change it. Don't align your economy with Wall Street analysis. Apply the higher truth and enjoy abundance, even when the world says there's a casting down. It's the wrong time to be quiet. With your tongue, determine your experience. Shape your future. Fly your life and control your future just as you did that airplane.”

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