JJ Hairston, wife celebrate 30th wedding anniversary

American gospel singer JJ Hairston and his wife, Trina Hairston, marked their 30th wedding anniversary recently. It was a time for the ‘You Deserve It’ crooner and his partner to reflect on the journey so far.

According to JJ, marrying his wife is still the best decision he has ever made. Though their union has not been perfect, God has revealed himself to them.

He said, “Today marks 30 years of you being beside me, behind me, and oftentimes seeing ahead what I could not see. We called our marriage ministry ‘Amazing Love’, but the truth is there were seasons in our marriage that didn’t feel amazing. But it was in those times that God revealed himself to us, and showed us who we’re supposed to be to and for each other.

“That was what drew us closer together, and now we truly have a “miracle marriage” @trinahairston marrying you is still the best decision I’ve ever made. And after all this time, and no matter what season we’re in, I wake up daily and emphatically say ‘I do’ again. Happy anniversary to us.”

The singer’s wife also celebrated their union of three decades. Trina noted that she had been consistent with one man for the past 30 years. Besides, her body, soul, and spirit belong to him.

In her words: “It’s very rare these days to hear anyone say that they have done one thing consistently for any considerable amount of time. My truth is that I’ve loved one man, I’ve been with one man, and I’ve dedicated my life to one man for 30 years (35 considering our dating time). My heart, mind, body, and soul have belonged to you @jjhairston. That’s pretty exceptional. Happy anniversary!”

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